Eyes on Burma
The photographs on these web pages were taken in Myanmar (Burma), in October and November, 2011, while traveling with a private group led by Chris Kogut (www.chriskogut.com).
We visited Yangon (Rangoon), Mandalay, Amarapura, Inwa, Sagaing, the Ayeyarwaddy River (3 day cruise, including Lekkapin and Yandabo Villages), West Sae Lan Village (novice initiation ceremony), Bagan, Pindaya, Inle Lake (including several villages), Sittwe, the Kaladan River and tributaries (including Laung Shay Chaung Mro Village), Mrauk-U, and the Lemro River (including two villages of the Chin Tribe). We finished back in Yangon at the Tharyargone School.
Almost all of these photographs were taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera, using Canon EF 24-105mm 1:4 L IS USM or EF70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM lenses. A few others were taken with a Canon PS G11 camera.
The brief descriptions of places and things on these pages are not intended to be complete references, but merely to bring out a few interesting facts.
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