Inle Lake to Thaung Tho Kyaung

We are off early this morning to to reach Thaung Tho Kyaung Village, which is about 4 miles beyond the southern end of Inle Lake. We pass by a tidy looking pagoda (below) as we approach Nampan at the end of the lake.

Some more stilt houses around Nampan, in case you haven't seen enough yet.

South of Nampan we are traveling in a small canal.

Market at Thaung Tho Kyaung

Thaung Tho Kyaung is a village of the Pa-O tribe. Few tourists come this far beyond the lake, so we are able to have a more authentic encounter with a local market. There are lots of boats here (below), but almost all of them have brought local people to the market.

We see a lot of the Pa-O black-with-red-checkered-headscarf motif here.

Kyauk Taung Village

We continue southward to reach Kyauk Taung, a potting village.

We are not sure what the connection with potting is, but we also see corn spread out on the ground to dry in the sun.
Helon Village Canoe Tour
Turning north again, we have lunch at the tranquil little village of Helon, and then embark on a quiet little canoe tour of the village.

It is afternoon now, as we pass through Nampan on our way back to our base at the Golden Island Cottages.

To get some better shots of the curious local art of leg-rowing, we entice a couple local fishermen to give us a demonstration.

One More Sunset at the Golden Island Cottages

We will be leaving Inle Lake in the morning, but we enjoy one more beautiful sunset at the cottages this evening.