Us in Havana

A group photo taken at Muraleando, with identification labels added. The people that have no identification labels are some of our Cuban hosts at the Muraleando community art project. Also, we note that some members of our group were not present at the time of this photograph.
Hotel Nacional and Restaurante La Torre

Our final nights in Havana are at the Hotel Nacional, seen here by day (ocean-facing back side of the hotel).

Our farewell dinner is at Restaurante La Torre, at the top of a 36-story apartment building, Edificio Focsa, a few blocks from Hotel Nacional.

Hotel Nacional again, this time looking at the front side as we see it upon return from our farewell dinner.
Group Photos Taken at Restaurante La Torre

Michaele Ann, Luther, Shirley.

Janice and Randy M., Chris, Sharon, Jodi, Michelle, Pat, Cyndi.

Gene, Ellen, Nancy, Larry.

Bob L., Nick, Laurel, Raphael (tour guide).

Annette, Jim B., Michael, Jose.

Jim and Darlene S.